Ophthall Medister Plasma Sterilizer

4 different sizes available
HPS – 25L – 25 Ltrs.
HPS – 35L – 35 Ltrs.
HPS – 50L – 50 Ltrs.
HPS – 80L – 80 Ltrs.

Plasma sterilizers are a safe alternative to EO gas
sterilization method. It is faster than EO gas sterilization
taking only 30 to 45 mins.
Plasma Sterilization is more environment friendly, the
residual by products are only water and oxygen.
*No residual toxic gases.

*Instruments can be used immediately after

For Booking

Whatsapp +91-9176702051/+91-8754517944



Why Low Temperature Plasma Sterliizer ?

Safety for people and environment

HPS Series ara the most secure sterilizer replacing current EO gas and Formalin sterilizers which

handle daneerous material(sterilant) for their sterilization.

While  much  harmful  components   that   impact   on   human   body   and   the   environment   are   discharged during the emission process of EO gas end formalln sterilization, HPS Series are harmless and eco-  friendly  plasma  sterillzer  by  decomposing   hydrogen   peroxide   into  water   and  oxygen   after  completion of sterilization process.

Quick Sterilization Process

HPS Series plasma sterilizer can complete all process within a minimum of 28 minutes While E.O gas and formalin starilizer require at least 12 hours of sterilization  and aeration  for usage. Therefore,  ur›s serias are perfectly economical as they facilitate rapid process and reduce cost of operating machinery

Extended Lifespan of Medical Instruments

HPS Series provide an optimized sterilization environment to vulnerable instruments to heat and moisture. Further more, they give minimized damage to instruments and perfect sterilization results with less cost.

  • Simple and Convenient Installation

HPS Series are installed in ordinary power supply(AC220V) and:I can be installed anywhere in a hospital as an exhaust pipe or a drain line are not required due to having no toxic material.

  • The diPerent sterilization  cycles  in  HPS  saries  are  programmed  to  fit  the  length  and  characteristic  of heat-sentisive medical devices and surgical
  • Chamber is made up of aluminium alloy that enablE2S  the  perfect  sterilllzation  by  maximizing transferring heat to sterilized
  • Touch Monitor:-They   delight   users   by   providing   convenient   and   user-friendly    operation    such as touch monitor, sliding door, one push door and the bottle typed sterilant
  • The Preheating  system  enhance  the  stability  and  performance  of  sterilization  as   it   proceeds  making instruments in chamber to maintain  in  a  constant  sterilization  temperature  by  removing  moisture with pre-heat
  • The Preheating  eystem  enhance  the  stability  and  performance  of  sterilization   as   It   proceeds making  instruments  in  chamber  to  maintain  in  a  constant  sterilization   temperature   by   removing  mciisture wkh pre-heat


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